Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Eyes, Eyes baby!

Its all in the eyes. Yes, its all about the eyes. They tease you, seduce you, betray you and yet, they are your most prized possession. Its not just a mere coincidence that eyes are the only immortal parts of our body, capable of lasting more than us.

That one look, can leave you mesmerized. It can make you mad, wanting the same high again and again. When you look into those eyes, the world ceases to exist, time stops, you skip a heart beat, you feel helpless. It has cut through your built up defenses, and yet, you want to feel that vulnerability again. You want to surrender to its power, be imprisoned, become a slave. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and also in the eyes of the one being beheld. I am still in search of those eyes which will imprison me forever :).

Ask the ones with the beautiful eyes to see how they use them to seduce everybody. They are your most powerful weapon in that fleeting moment. But ironically, they are your most vulnerable defense. They can give you away at the most inopportune of times and make you seem foolish. Somehow, you can always tell whether a person is lying or not by looking into his eyes. And if you cannot, then I pity that person for losing his link to the purity of the soul.

You see the world through your eyes, see the pain and suffering, see your loved ones. It is the thing that makes you feel every emotion as you know them.

There's a man who comes with his blind friend, to the place where I have lunch. I have seen them a couple of times together, and I seriously get moved whenever I see them. Words fail me in describing their friendship. I mean its wrong to feel sympathetic, because, its not what they want. But you just cant help but feel sympathy for him. But I guess, God, in a way tried to make his life better by giving him a friend worth dying for. I don't know how they feel about anything, but the fact that they cannot see, makes me think that their thoughts and emotions are unadulterated. It makes me wonder if the way they feel about others and the surroundings is unbiased, unaffected. Maybe God has given them that purity, that is missing in all of us.

Eyes can see without looking, speak without talking, wander without walking, and live without you living. Yes, eyes are truly immortal.

One of my friends forwarded me this video, which really touched me, and I hope it moves you guys as well.


navin said...

You wrote "I don't know how they feel about anything, but the fact that they cannot see, makes me think that their thoughts and emotions are unadulterated."

Isnt it ironical that our thoughts and emotions are preserved in a pure state by invalidating eyes, the very tool God gave us to reinforce our emotions by beauty of sight. May be he forgot to teach us how.

Angad said...

Naina thug lengey.....

Quest said...

In my opinion this one has been ur best post so far ....too gud !

Raghu said...

@quest...thanx...even pius said that...i dont know why i felt this one lacked something....anyways..thanx again :)

Nish the Ant .... Blah Blah Blah said...

dude... ultimate post...

Unknown said...

BTW i luved...

speak without talking, wander without walking, and live without you living.