Friday, March 2, 2007

Symbology :))

So the days are getting longer, the nights shorter. The frigid ice formed on the river is giving way, the persistence of the indefatigable river beneath is paying off. Streaks of sunlight are visible through the parting gray clouds. The snow on the trees is clearing, revealing hopeful branches. The pallid white is being slowly replaced by true colors of fecundity. Time to sow new seeds, let new life grow. Time to open the windows and let fresh air come into the room. Remove the extra layers of clothing and let yourself wallow in the warmth of the light. Time to un-hibernate.

Yes, I can feel it, the winter is past me.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The "symbology" was nice. Although feel like an idiot on missing the joke. I hope that the new season brings happiness in all our lives. For me this transition signifies wearing of shorts and skirts by the hot chicks here :)